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Software testing for beginners

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The fashion for “disguise” continues and it is hard to believe that anything will change in the near future. The IT industry provides decent salaries, is able to educate and offers stress-free working conditions. It is not surprising that for many people it is a haven of peace haven after the bad experiences of the previous profession.

Many are confronted on a daily basis with

  • Dirty and physically hard work
  • Office absurdities
  • Doing the thankless job of a teacher
  • Struggling with staff changes and tax laws
  • A hundred of other undeveloped works.

If, despite their full commitment, they have to wonder whether there is enough to pay the first instalment, or whether they will get paid, they look with hope to an industry that cares about its employees like no other.

No matter what your reasons are for wanting to change jobs, when your choice falls on the path of software tester development, you can count on our support. However, remember that not everyone who tries it gets a job. Not everyone is suited for this profession and not everyone has the opportunity to even try.

For all those who are thinking of trying their luck in quality assurance and software testing, we have prepared a short list that can help you make a final decision and guide you and help you create your development plan.

Knowledge acquisition

Gaining knowledge is the foundation without which there is no way to move on. There are a lot of ways to get it and they are among them:


The first way, which at the same time is the least financially involved. The syllabuses, which contain a large part of the knowledge for each examiner, are available free of charge. This option is the most recommended for people who already know the basics and are preparing for the certification exams, as the theory contained in them may not address everyone in an equally transparent way.

Books and publications

Industrial literature is the second option. There are quite a few positions in this field; the books serve to acquire the necessary knowledge, often supplemented by practical examples that can be found in everyday work.

Courses and training

The third option is participation in our Erasmus+ project, Software Testing Academy – Training Software Testers of Tomorrow Through Social and Educational Equity.

It is a good offer for those who want to enter the software testing industry, but do not have any professional training. The training is aimed at people who have no knowledge or experience, and its most special feature is the large amount of practice that participants will face. Training will allow you to learn good software testing practices, in addition to the theory.

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