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Agile teaching: what is it?

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Our goal is to develop a modern and more practical approach in teaching software testing. Therefore, we used the agile teaching concept to develop the learning pathways for the relevant testing areas. Within this post, it is described how QualityMinds developed the teaching frameworks. Agile… Read More »Agile teaching: what is it?

Agile learning modules

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The Software Testing Academy project aims to improve the quantity and quality of software testing training. In order to achieve this purpose, the project is currently developing a variety of agile learning modules that will respond to the needs of the Software Testers learners. The… Read More »Agile learning modules

First Project Result finished!

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Our first Project Result outlines the innovative training model for newcomers that want to develop professional career in software testing and do not have any experience or background in this area. The training model is built on the following approaches: • Agile learning approach •… Read More »First Project Result finished!

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